Cutest Blog on the Block

Saturday, December 18, 2010

White Christmas

         We have to travel to get a white Christmas but it is worth it.  We, the whole St. George crew,  met Dad Turley and Amy up at Jess and Greg's cabin to exchange presents.  It is so much fun.  We get Christmas and get to play in the snow.  What a treat.  My kids wouldn't have any other opportunity to play in the snow, it isn't one of the things I grew up enjoying, but I sure enjoy it now.  Making sled trails with the kids and letting them  talk me into doing some crazy things.  Getting to spend one on one time with them and watching them create memories with their cousins is very fun. 

Solomon and Mason trying to build a snow cave.
Jessica getting the Iasac and Kyle ready to go down the hill.
Josh provided pick up service.

What goes down must come back up. Its just alot easier this way.

Three out of the 6 females.

Four  out of 14 males.  Holy COW!!!
(Logan, Josh, Kade, Ryan)

As were waiting at the car for the ride home, we weren't in the car, NO, No.  There was a big snow drift they had to play in before the ride home and they hadn't had a chance to make snow angles yet. 



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